Saturday, May 3, 2008

I Love You Anyway

My daughter (3 1/2-year-old) recently informed me in a fit of frustration that I was not her father. I hated to inform her that DNA tests aside, we cannot deny each other. If there was ever a father and daughter that looked alike - we're it. Biting my lip to keep from laughing I told her that I loved her anyway. She was not too pleased.

Aren't we like 3-year-olds? Shaking our fists to the sky in fits of frustration and despair internally (or externally) screaming you are not my God! You do not exist! Of course, spiritual DNA tests aside, we cannot deny each other. If there was a child created in the image of a parent - we're it. And the good news is - God loves us. God loves us anyway.

Fr Steve+


  1. Yes, God love us, no matter what. But what then do you about when you've done something terrible and feel ashamed, and guilty about it? We're set up to fail at being perfect, because we are not god, and we are forgiven because we are saved, but that doesn't keep us from feeling bad about doing wrong things. You love your daughter certainly no matter what, and forgiven her and she knows that (if not today than by tommorow!, but, what about the guilty feelings she could have about hurting you? (She's too young, probably, to experience lasting shame, so substitute someone older who really does) How do you forgive yourself, even if you know god forgives you - it still eats up your insides, especially stepping into church.

  2. What could be done by a human that God has not already anticipated? What a relief to know that Gods love is "no matter what". There is nothing we can do about the way God feels about his creation. Shame and guilt are powerful human emotions. Are there people at St. Timothy's or the surrounding community that have these feelings? Come be a part of our community of faith. We will wrestle with these emotions together.

  3. Thank you for sharing this - I needed the reminder. Sometimes we do feel so unworthy of His love. But it is not about what we do or don't do, it is about what He has done for us - once and for all. He really does love us anyway. :)b
