Thursday, August 14, 2008

Church Rejects Lottery Tithe

ORANGE PARK, FL -- After Robert Powell hit the Florida Lottery jackpot last month and took home more than $6 million, he thought of his church.

And he offered to drop his tithe, around $600,000, in the collection plate of First Baptist Orange Park.

But the church and Pastor David Tarkington politely declined and told Powell they will not accept the lottery winnings.

Many churches do not approve of the lottery and gambling but on the other hand Pastor Dr. Lorenzo Hall of the El-Beth-El Divine Holiness Church says $600,000 can do a lot of good.

"I'm against the lottery, but if one of my members won the lottery, I wish and I hope he would give 10% to the church, we could do a lot of things with that money," says Hall.

Read more here.

What do you think?


  1. As I grew up saying,"All things come of Thee o Lord and of thine own have we given Thee." Depending on the translation, I think the idea comes from 1 Chronicles 29:14 ghc

  2. "Go on take the money and run"...

    The church could use the cash for good deeds. If I were the pastor I would say "thanks for the donation, let's see what kind of good we can do".
